IHC has constructed over 30 PCCP airfield projects in the last 20 years that have included work for fifteen separate airport authorities, military agencies or private fixed base operators and totaled nearly $650 million. Our projects have ranged in size from less than $1 million to greater than $100 million. We have won numerous local awards, and five national American Concrete Pavement Association awards, for the “Best PCC Pavement Constructed in the USA” in Military/Commercial and General Aviation categories.

Our resultant procedures and capabilities allow us to cost effectively build heavy-duty airfield pavements, including runways, taxiways and ramps, to the highest standards. Our modified slipform paving machines place very low slump concrete that meets strict edge and surface tolerances to 25” or greater thickness. We have developed specific expertise and modified equipment to insert dowel bars mechanically in both transverse joints and in longitudinal construction joints.

We routinely use two back-to-back Rex plants on thick airfield, high-production projects. They are capable of producing up to 8000 cubic yards per day. This allows simultaneous multiple slipform and formed placement operations.

Our modified form-riding finishers place thick PCCP to 50’ widths with high quality maximizing productivity for taxiway tie-in fillets and short uniform width placements.

We have equipment and people to mix and place stabilized bases that meet the highest quality standards for airfields. Our pug mill mixer has a 600 ton/hr capacity and the capability to mix cement-treated base or introduce uniform moisture into aggregate bases. Our GPS machine controlled base placement and fine-grading operations consisting of a GPS controlled Dozer/Spreader, base compactors, and a GPS controlled finish blade gives us a 20,000 square yards of finished base per day productive capacity.

Our Contractor Quality Control Plan provides very consistent, low standard deviation flexural strength concrete that meets the highest FAA requirements under Percent within Limits (PWL) incentive/disincentive specifications. ACI and NICET certify our supervisors and key craftsmen for concrete testing and inspection.

DIA Int'l Runway 34/16 - CO
Albuquerque Runway 8/26 - NM
Buckley ANG - Maintain Airfield Pavements - CO
SunBorne X-Jet Apron - CO
Peterson AFB A/DACG Facility - CO
DIA De-Ice Pad "WA" - CO
DIA Concourse A RON Pad Snow Storage Area - CO
Edwards AFB Main Runway Reconstruction - CA