IHC has the following value-added capabilities to deliver on-time quality projects to our customers for any of the markets we serve. These services are inclusive in the projects we engage in, and are not necessarily available for separate contracting.
  • Prime or Subcontractor
  • Schedule Management
  • Contractor Quality Control Programs
  • Subcontractor Management
  • Concrete Pavement
  • Concrete Flatwork
  • Concrete Median Barrier
  • Pavement Removal & Demolition
  • Excavation & Embankment
  • Pipe — Storm, Water & Sewer
  • Drains — Trench, Edge, & Under
  • Aggregate and Stabilized Bases
  • Subgrade Stabilization
  • Concrete Structures — Small Bridges & Box Culverts
  • Concrete Repair
  • Traffic Control
  • Soil-Cement Slope Protection
  • Concrete-Flowfill Manufacturing
  • Joint Sawing & Sealing
  • Prime or Subcontractor
    We contract most of our work as a Prime Contractor, responsible directly to the Owner or its representative; however, we also act as a specialty subcontractor on many projects. In either case, we provide the level of construction management necessary for successful completion of the project.

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    Complex Schedule Management
    Our project teams manage the best interests of the project through the implementation of Primavera scheduling software, which creates baseline schedules of critical path items and allows for routine updating.

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    Contractor Quality Control Programs
    We have an internal Quality Control Program that assures a high level of quality performance regardless of the contract requirements. The project Quality Control Manager reports directly to the Corporate Quality Control Manager, and has authority of the site management on all quality matters. IHC requires ACI/NICET certification for testing and inspection skills of key line employees, both craftsmen and supervisors.

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    Subcontractor Management
    We routinely successfully manage projects with 50% or more subcontractors. Each subcontractor is responsible to the project Quality Control Plan. On many projects, we assign a project engineer to be solely accountable for subcontractor liaison and to assure that work is progressing per the schedule requirements.

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    Concrete Pavement
    IHC specializes in the production and placement of concrete pavements for highways, airfields, streets & local roads, parking lots and storage areas. We have numerous state-of-the-art portable central-mix concrete mixing plants. When placed strategically in tandem on a project site, they give us the capacity to manufacture up to 800 cubic yards per hour of high quality concrete. We own a wide variety of slipform paving machines and form riding finishers to place concrete from the smallest application to airfield pavements at widths to 50 feet and thicknesses of 20 inches and more. IHC has been building concrete pavements for the US Army Corps of Engineers, the military, state Departments of Transportation, cities, airport authorities, counties and private developers since 1947. We have won numerous awards for quality, smoothness, project management and partnering.

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    Concrete Flatwork
    A natural extension of IHC's concrete pavement expertise is our growth into building all forms of concrete flatwork including sidewalks, curb & gutter, drainage channels, bikeways, handicap ramps and decorative concrete median covers. We utilize a variety of equipment that allows competitive pricing on all forms of flatwork.

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    Contractor Median Barrier
    IHC places median and wall barriers utilizing pre-cast, cast-in-place and slipform methods. We have successfully slipformed 60” high bifurcated wall barrier in the median of super-elevated urban interstate highways. We routinely place up to 3,000 lineal feet per day for normal sections. We use our Gomaco Commander III slipform paving machines for this work and have various molds for different shape requirements.

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    Pavement Removals & Demolition
    IHC routinely does highway and airfield reconstruction projects where it is necessary to remove the old existing asphalt, concrete or base pavements sections. We can break up and remove up to 2,500 cubic yards of concrete pavement per day using guillotine breakers, diesel hammers or hoe-rams to breakup the pavement then loading it into rock dump trucks using various combinations of backhoes, dozers and loaders. We have, on various projects, recycled or salvaged all or parts of the removed pavement structure. We have crushed and used the old removed pavement as coarse and fine aggregate in new concrete, in base course, both stabilized and untreated, or uncrushed as general fill or riprap. We generally use in the project, or sell for value added, the aggregate base or asphalt pavement that is removed.

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    Excavation & Embankment
    IHC provides excavation services utilizing the most cost effective balance of scrapers and truck haul to best meet specific project demands. Typically this work includes dirt balance, spoil, import for building embankment, re-working subgrade for deep moisture-density control, subgrade preparation and finish grading in preparation for base or pavement. Grading operations are done with laser and GPS machine controls for finishing, providing the most competitive and efficient methods in the industry.

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    Pipe — Storm, Water & Sewer
    IHC owns various size backhoes, compactors and support equipment. Our experienced people do storm, water and sewer installation in support of our prime contracts with this equipment.

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    Drains — Trench, Edge, & Under
    We have experience in placing all forms of pipe and preformed edge and underdrain systems on highways and airfields. Additionally we have constructed precast and cast-in-place trench drains on airfield ramps.

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    Aggregate & Stabilized Bases
    IHC places aggregate base, both dense-graded and open-graded permeable drainage layers and untreated and central mixed cement stabilized bases with productions of up to 7000 tons per day. We use state-of-the-art GPS machine controls and a roving grade checker for maximum production and quality control of dozer spreading and blade finishing. We have also placed open-graded bases using modified concrete slipform pavers. Other methods have included central-mix concrete plants and continuous flow pug mill mixers to mix both dense-graded and open-graded cement-treated base courses. Our processes assure the most cost-effective means of meeting strict base mix and placement specifications.

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    Subgrade Stabilization
    IHC has experience stabilizing existing soils using mix-in-place methods for both lime and cement.

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    Concrete Structures — Small Bridges & Box Culverts
    IHC builds cast-in-place and precast box culverts and miscellaneous drainage structures, and has experienced personnel with the expertise necessary to build a variety of medium-size highway bridge structures.

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    Concrete Restoration
    IHC has a complete set of equipment and knowledgeable personnel to do major concrete pavement restoration on airfield or highway projects, including spall repairs, full-depth slab repairs and joint and crack re-sealing.

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    Traffic Control
    We have experienced Traffic Control Supervisors to plan, coordinate with owners and execute complex traffic phasing to safe passage for road users and our construction team through the work zones on our projects, often while reconstructing heavily traveled urban highways and arterial streets. We also have relationships with traffic control specialists in each of our geographic locations.

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    Soil-Cement Slope Protection
    Soil-cement & roller compacted concrete are typically identical construction methodologies. The primary differences are usually the quality of the aggregate, the cementitious factor and the strength requirement.

    IHC has experience on numerous projects dating back 25 years for mixing cement with soil or aggregates to provide cement stabilized subgrade, subbase or base for highway and airfield pavements. A variety of names, including soil-cement, cement-treated base, and roller compacted concrete describe the product; however, the construction methodologies are essentially the same. They all use compaction equipment to achieve density in a soil-aggregate-cement combination at or less than optimum moisture. An aggregate and soil blender proportions different materials for the optimum, cost-effective mix to achieve desired placement and strength properties. We have used various methodologies for mixing and for placement depending on the nature of the soil/aggregate to be treated and the project conditions. Mixing has been accomplished using mix-in-place with stabilizing mixers, central mix with a modified concrete plant and with a high-specification tolerance, high-production pug mill mixer. IHC uses a variety of processes, most recently GPS-controlled dozer-spreaders and trimming blades, for placement, compaction, final trimming. IHC has numerous belt spreaders and conveyors to expedite getting the material to the placement operations.

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    Concrete-Flowfill Manufacturing
    We own & operate six central mix portable concrete batch plants for high-production of high quality, low slump concrete for all types of concrete pavement and other concrete structures in remote locations. IHC usually delivers this concrete to our placement operations in end dump trucks, either placed directly in front of the paving machine, or spread from the side with separate spreading equipment. We also have agitor trucks with chutes for reaching formed paving operations more efficiently. We own a portable batching plant and mixing trucks to complement our lower production requirements for pavement, flow-fill and miscellaneous structures.

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    Joint Sawing & Sealing
    IHC either self-performs joint sawing and sealing for our concrete paving projects or subcontracts it to qualified entities. Our internal capability is strong, with equipment and personnel to perform these operations on up to three concurrent paving operations. We are experienced in silicone, pre-formed and hot-pour sealant placement.

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