Design-Build | |
IHC has been involved with Design-Build since 1997 when CDOT awarded its first design-build contract to us. The $27 million contract, for the reconstruction of eleven miles of I-70 east of Denver, was the first of six Design-Build projects CDOT awarded over a three-year period. Their objective was to accelerate projects over traditional Design-Bid-Build projects, demonstrating a quick response to the Colorado legislature for committing surplus general fund revenues to critical projects. IHC partnered with Turner, Collie and Braden, an accomplished CDOT design consultant, for this CDOT program. IHC established a unique Design Leadership Team (DLT) on this project, and others, involving the contractor, designer and owner, to coordinate the project design closely with the early construction activity, and to improve communications on this new innovative contract delivery system. IHC also established a Contractor Quality Control regimen that met all requirements of the contract and ultimately proved the Owner would not need to perform substantial duplicity tests to ensure quality. IHC followed with other successful CDOT Design-Build projects: a $21 million reconstruction of 8 miles of I-70 at Agate, and a $29 million reconstruction of a major bridge and 8 miles of I-76 near Hudson.
IHC has also been the successful Prime Contractor on CDOT projects with significant Design-Build elements. IHC, with our design partner, selected alignment modifications meeting geometric standards for sight distance; analyzed alternate pavement sections; and provided design for traffic phasing management on these projects:
I-76 Hudson - CO |
I-70 Agate - CO |
I-70 Airpark - CO |