Quality Control

TQM (Total Quality Management)
For many years the success of IHC has been attributed to the commitment of our people and innovative thinking. Although IHC was committed to Continuous Improvement (CI) for many years, 10 years ago it was transformed into a TQM program. The broader based TQM program provided the means for IHC to tap a previously untouched resource by soliciting new ideas and ways to improve all facets of our everyday business from all employees. Its also allows us to share new ideas between divisions and departments. Our focus has been on “thinking outside the box” - turning problems into opportunities, continual evaluation of means and methods, and creative thinking. TQM means leadership by example. It means leadership that works with associates to establish clear, well-defined responsibilities and objectives for safety, quality and production. TQM/CI has allowed IHC to continuously improve and maintain a competitive edge with motivated people and years of experience that is unsurpassed. TQM allows IHC to respond to challenges and establishes a corporate culture that attracts and retains the best people. IHC’s TQM philosophy doesn’t believe in stopping at “Good Enough” but focuses on “Continuous Improvement”. Contact our TQM Department.

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Quality Control
Quality workmanship is an integral and vital part of IHC's business purpose. Our objective is to produce work whose minimum standard is to meet the contract requirements, continually meets or exceeds the expectations of the Owner and is consistently superior to the most recent "state-of-the-art". The quality control program is designed to fully educate and train all employees in the standards expected at IHC; the methods of measurement used to determine if IHC's quality standards have been met; what action is to be taken when these standards are not met; and the QC procedures involved to uniformly administrate and consistently manage the program. The QC manual is for universal adoption within IHC, to be all encompassing and to be an on-going program assuring IHC of a fully dedicated effort toward being a quality leader in the industry. Contact our Quality Control Department.

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IHC is committed to the reduction of personal injuries, occupational illnesses and damage to equipment and property in all of its operations. We are committed to the protection of the public whenever it encounters the Company’s work and we are committed to the prevention of pollution and environmental degradation.

Company management and field supervision plan safety into each work task in order to avoid preventable occupational injuries or illnesses. Although the ultimate success of IHC’s safety, occupational health and environmental protection programs depends upon the full cooperation of each individual employee, management is responsible for seeing that applicable rules and procedures are established and enforced and employing effective training programs to the best advantage.

Production must never sacrifice safety, occupational health and environmental protection for higher numbers. These elements are integral parts of quality control, cost reduction and job efficiency. Each supervisor must be personally concerned with the performance demonstrated by the employees relating to these elements under his or her supervision.

IHC has an outstanding safety record and is proud of its achievements in accident prevention. Every IHC employee must do his or her part to create and maintain a safe and productive working environment in order to maintain that record.

The objective is the elimination of all preventable accidents and environmental incidents from our operations. There are three sound reasons for this:

  1. The elimination of human suffering, due to disabling injury or loss of life, is a worthwhile goal in itself and one we all must strive to achieve.
  2. A good safety and health record indicates superior management and a superior work force. It promotes business and contributes to the continuing growth and success of the Company.
  3. Poor accident experience and pollution of the environment increases costs, contributes to a deterioration in job performance and reflects negatively on our entire Company.
IHC’s management at every level is responsible for translating this Company objective into positive productive actions. Contact our Safety/Environmental Department.

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IHC's equipment fleet is an important cog in our ability to deliver the quality, on time and competitive service our customers deserve. We have over 580 pieces of technologically advanced equipment with a replacement value of $45 million.

Our specialty concrete paving equipment includes five 12-yard central mixing plants, each capable of producing over 600 cubic yards of quality concrete per hour, and 11 slipform pavers with paving widths varying from 4 feet to 50 feet in a single pass. Our equipment allows us to meet the varying demands of the marketplace to include bike paths, curbs, median walls, city streets, urban and rural highways and airfields from small general aviation to the world's largest hubs.

Our highly qualified operators, many with over 20 years experience, receive rigorous in-house and manufacturer-sponsored training in techniques of operation and maintenance of their pieces. This enables our people to uphold the highest standards in setup and operation of equipment, giving our customers consistent quality in strength, durability and smoothness.

A computerized preventative maintenance program combined with competent scheduling, coordination and repair know-how, assures that whenever and wherever equipment is needed by our people, it will be ready to do the job.

IHC's name prominently displayed on our properly maintained, painted, regularly cleaned equipment is another indicator of our reputation. Your project, and ours, is dependent upon quality tools. Delivery is the goal of our Equipment Department! Contact our Equipment Department.

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The IHC Marketing & Estimating Department is the support arm of our operating divisions. Our goal is to help IHC realize the potential of its people and resources. Our focus is to discover potential projects within given geographic and functional market sectors, to select for bid the best mix of projects, and to provide necessary support for submitting the best technical and price proposals on those projects of interest.

We also provide marketing support to our industry associations, promoting practices and specifications that will improve the quality and value of our products.

We encourage our customers and their designers to consult with us during project development to get a builder’s perspective on specifications, schedule and methodologies. This collaboration at the pre-bid stage will often add significant value, resulting in substantive savings to the Owner. Contact our Estimating and Marketing Department.

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IHC’s Administration Department is located in their corporate offices in Englewood Colorado. Our Englewood office supplies all payroll, payables, accounts receivable, equipment reporting, IT and data processing, banking, bonding, human resources, safety administration, accounting and financial management, insurance and other administrative functions for our four operating divisions. Our administrative staff is dedicated to serving not only the needs of our field operations, but also our external customers. Contact our Administration Department.

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