Why We Win AwardsIHC has been an award winning company for decades. We have received numerous awards ranging in scope from the prestigious Commander’s Coin for Excellence which is only presented to non-military personnel for outstanding services or accomplishments that significantly assist or support Army functions, services, or operations and the Project Achievement Award that is bestowed by the Construction Management Association of America to local awards such as the Michigan Concrete Paving Association Award of Excellence for Rural Divided Highways and the CO/WY ACPA Award for Commercial Service and Military Airports.Our continued ability to outperform our competitors and exceed our customers' expectations is firmly based in our company culture. IHC's beliefs are centered on customer service and total quality management. What this means for our customers is that each decision is made to benefit the overall quality of any project and that there is a focus on "partnering" and/or "team building" with our customers. In order to consistently meet this goal, we must have systems in place that will reliably measure our product against a given standard. We also routinely measure our performance by having our customers evaluate us. Product quality is of primary importance to IHC, who promotes and maintains the highest quality standards in the industry. IHC's standard of excellence is, in most cases, significantly more stringent than the level required by our customers. IHC was one of the first contractors to initiate a customer's "Contractor Performance Review". This method for continuously improving our quality service has been in place since 1987. As a result of our unique means of quality measurement and our focus on customer satisfaction, we have been nominated by our customers and have proudly received numerous awards for quality performance. |